Progress: 4 / 13

  • Are there any family members the client would like to include in a future application?
    : 고객님이 차후 신청서에 포함하고 싶은 가족 구성원이 있으신가요?
블로그 이미지



Progress: 3 / 13

Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Points-Tested Stream)

Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Points-Tested Stream)


  • Permanent Points Tested visa for independent skilled workers who are not sponsored by a state/territory, or family member.
    : 독립적인 숙련 노동자들을 위한 영구적인 포인트 테스트 비자로, 주 또는 영토, 가족 멤버에게 스폰서되지 않은 경우에 해당합니다.
  • Allows visa holder to live and work anywhere in Australia.
    : 비자 소지자가 오스트레일리아 어디에서나 살고 일할 수 있게 합니다.
  • Allows certain family members to be added before the application is decided.
    : 어떤 가족 멤버들은 신청이 결정되기 전에 추가할 수 있습니다.

You can apply for this visa if you meet the basic requirements. You must

  • be invited to apply
    : 신청할 것을 초대받은 사람
  • be younger than 45 years of age when you were invited to apply
    : 신청 초대 시점에서 45세 미만인 사람
  • nominate an occupation that is on the relevant skilled occupation list
    : 관련 기술직 종사자 목록에 있는 직업을 지명한 사람
  • have a suitable skills assessment for your nominated occupation when you were invited to apply, assessed by the relevant assessing authority
    : 신청 초대 시점에서, 관련 평가 기관에 의해 평가받은 적합한 기술 평가를 보유한 사람
  • be able to meet the pass mark in the points test and be able to demonstrate a points score equal to or greater than your invited score
    : 포인트 테스트의 합격 점수를 만족시키고 초대 점수와 같거나 더 높은 점수를 보여줄 수 있는 사람
  • have at least competent English when you were invited to apply
    : 신청 초대 시점에서 최소한으로 유창한 영어 실력을 갖춘 사람

Skilled - Nominated (Subclass 190) (Permanent)

Skilled - Nominated (Subclass 190) (Permanent)


  • Permanent Points Tested visa for skilled workers who are nominated by a state or territory government.
    : 주 또는 영토 정부에 의해 추천된 숙련 노동자를 위한 영구적인 포인트 테스트 비자입니다.
  • Allows visa holder to live and work anywhere in Australia.
    : 비자 소지자가 오스트레일리아 어디에서나 살고 일할 수 있게 합니다.
  • Allows certain family members to be added before the application is decided.
    : 특정 가족 구성원들은 신청이 결정되기 전에 추가할 수 있습니다.

You can apply for this visa if you meet the basic requirements. You must

  • be invited to apply
    : 신청할 것을 초대받은 사람
  • be nominated by an Australian state or territory government
    오스트레일리아의 주 또는 영토 정부에 의해 추천받은 사람
  • be younger than 45 years of age when you were invited to apply
    : 신청 초대 시점에서 45세 미만인 사람
  • nominate an occupation that is on the relevant skilled occupation list
    : 관련 기술직 종사자 목록에 있는 직업을 지명한 사람
  • have a suitable skills assessment for your nominated occupation when you were invited to apply, assessed by the relevant assessing authority
    : 신청 초대 시점에서, 관련 평가 기관에 의해 평가받은 적합한 기술 평가를 보유한 사람
  • be able to meet the pass mark in the points test and be able to demonstrate a points score equal to or greater than your invited score
    : 포인트 테스트의 합격 점수를 만족시키고 초대 점수와 같거나 더 높은 점수를 보여줄 수 있는 사람
  • have at least competent English when you were invited to apply
    : 신청 초대 시점에서 최소한으로 유창한 영어 실력을 갖춘 사람

Skilled Work - Regional (Subclass 491) (Provisional)

Skilled Work - Regional (Subclass 491) (Provisional)


  • Provisional Points Tested visa for skilled workers who are nominated by a state/territory government or an eligible relative.
    : 주/영토 정부 또는 자격 있는 친척에 의해 추천된 숙련 노동자를 위한 임시 포인트 테스트 비자입니다.
  • Valid up to four years.
    : 최대 4년까지 유효합니다.
  • Requires visa holder to live and work in a designated regional area.
    : 비자 소지자가 지정된 지역에서 생활하고 일하는 것이 필요합니다.
  • Allows for the adding of certain family members as a secondary applicants.
    : 일부 가족 구성원들을 부차 신청자로 추가하는 것이 가능합니다.
  • Pathway visa to Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) (subclass 191).
    : 영구 거주권 (Skilled Regional) (subclass 191)으로의 경로 비자입니다.

You can apply for this visa if you meet the basic requirements. You must

  • be invited to apply
    : 신청할 것을 초대받은 사람
  • be nominated by an Australian state or territory government or sponsored by an eligible relative living in a designated regional area of Australia.
    : 오스트레일리아의 주 또는 영토 정부에 의해 추천받거나, 지정된 오스트레일리아 지역에 사는 자격 있는 친척에게 스폰서된 사람
  • be younger than 45 years of age when you were invited to apply
    신청 초대 시점에서 45세 미만인 사람
  • nominate an occupation that is on the relevant skilled occupation list
    : 관련 기술직 종사자 목록에 있는 직업을 지명한 사람
  • have a suitable skills assessment for your nominated occupation when you were invited to apply, assessed by the relevant assessing authority
    : 신청 초대 시점에서, 관련 평가 기관에 의해 평가받은 적합한 기술 평가를 보유한 사람
  • be able to meet the pass mark in the points test and be able to demonstrate a points score equal to or greater than your invited score
    : 포인트 테스트의 합격 점수를 만족시키고 초대 점수와 같거나 더 높은 점수를 보여줄 수 있는 사람
  • have at least competent English when you were invited to apply
    : 신청 초대 시점에서 최소한으로 유창한 영어 실력을 갖춘 사람
블로그 이미지



왕갈비 통닭

  • 조금 많이 달달함
  • 가성비 좋음
  • 포만감 평범
  • 수원 가면 한 번쯤은 꼭 먹어볼 만하긴 함

Version 1.0
→ Version 1.1: ???

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Secrets of Sulphur Springs
  • 쌍둥이도 마찬가지야.
    Ditto the twins
  • 쳐다보던 사람 누구야... 정말... 누군데?

Version 0.2
→ Version 0.3: 천천히 보면서 모르는 영단어는 전부 기록해보자.

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가장 좋아하는 식당에 대해 설명해주세요. 그곳에서 어떤 종류의 음식을 제공하는지, 그 식당에 대해 좋아하는 이유는 무엇인지 말해주세요.



My favorite restaurant is called "Myeongryun Jinsa Galbi." This restaurant is amazing because it serves a wide variety of meats, such as pork ribs, pork belly, and pork rinds. But it's not just about meat. They also have different types of snacks like tteokbokki and dumplings.

One thing I really love about this place is that it's a buffet. This means I can eat as much as I want. I get to choose what I want to eat, and I can try a little bit of everything. It's really enjoyable to be able to fill my plate with all my favorite foods.

The best part is, this restaurant is great value for money. The food is delicious, and the price is very fair. This makes me feel like I'm getting a really good deal, and it's one of the main reasons why I love this place. So, that's why "Myeongryun Jinsa Galbi" is my favorite restaurant.


Pork rinds(폴ㅋ 라인스): 돼지 껍데기

Version 0.1
→ Version 0.2: ???


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바질 프로마쥬

  • 바질 스프는 맛있다.
  • 가성비 평범
  • 포만감 평범
  • 가는 면이 바질을 너무 잘 받아들이면서, 안 어우러져서, 뭔가 두꺼운 파스타면이면 좋겠구나 싶었음

Version 1.0
→ Version 1.1: ???

블로그 이미지



Progress: 2 / 13

All information provided is important to the accuracy of this Expression Of Interest (EOI). If the information included on this page is incorrect, it may lead to refusal or delays in any future visa application.
제공된 모든 정보는 이 EOI의 정확성을 확인하는 데 중요합니다. 이 페이지에 포함된 정보가 올바르지 않으면 향후 비자 신청이 거부되거나 지연될 수 있습니다.

Is all the information above correct?
위의 정보가 모두 맞나요?

블로그 이미지



Progress: 1 / 13

Is the client a citizen of the country of passport?
고객은 가지고 있는 여권 국가의 시민인가요?

Is the client a citizen of any other country?
고객은 다른 나라의 시민인가요?

Usual country of residence
통상적으로 거주하는 국가

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Secrets of Sulphur Springs
  • 뭐? 지하실은 추울 거라고.
    What? It's gonna be cold in the basement.
  • 쳐다보던 사람 누구지...

Version 0.2
→ Version 0.3: ???

블로그 이미지




주말에 주로 무엇을 하는지 이야기해주세요. TV를 보는지, 잠을 청하는지 등을 말해주세요.


On the weekends.mp3


On the weekends, I really enjoy cooking and watching TV.
Cooking is a great stress-reliever for me, especially when I prepare large meals.
It's kind of a fun way to break free from the dieting constraints of the weekdays.
After spending some time in the kitchen, I like to catch up on my favorite dramas that I missed during the week.
It's a nice way to relax and just enjoy some downtime.

However, not all my time is filled with these activities.
There are times when I simply enjoy doing nothing and just sit quietly.
It might sound a bit odd, but these moments of just being in the present, staring off into space, they're surprisingly comforting.
It's a way for me to recharge and prepare for the upcoming week.
So, that's a peek into my typical weekend: a combination of cooking, watching TV, and embracing moments of quiet stillness.


Constraints(컨슽레인트): 제약
Downtime(다운타임): 휴양시간

Version 0.0
→ Version 0.1: AI 음성을 올려보자


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