만족도: 5/10


  • 그냥 칼피스
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만족도: 7/10

이름... 왜 지파이에 자를 붙였나요? 이런식도 있는 건가?

  • 대만에서 먹었던 것과 비슷한 맛
  • 양이 적음
  • 이름!
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만족도: 5/10

사쿠라 아마자케

  • 미묘
  • 기본 아마자케 맛에 뭔가 다른게 첨가된 느낌
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스마일 호텔 우츠노미야 니시구치 에키노마에 조식
아사쿠사 관광
센소지, 부처님께 인사드리러
하늘이 파랬으면 좋았을 텐데

슬슬 저번 일 이후 여러모로 회복되는 느낌

의식의 흐름

  1. 호텔 조식 뷔페
    레몬 우유가 역시 맛있었음
    메뉴 바뀜
  2. 도쿄 시부야로 이동
    엄청나게 멀었음
    레니게이드 넬을 3편을 봄
  3. 미츠비시UFJ 통장의 문제 처리
    생각보다 오래 안 걸림
    다행히 큰 문제 없이 처리됨
  4. 도쿄역쪽의 호텔로 이동해서 짐 맡김
  5. 아사쿠사 이동해서 부처님에게 인사드리고 옴
    운세: 길! 길! 길!
    아마자케, 지파이
  6. 호텔로 복귀 후 휴식
  7. IT Passport, 중학 1학년 수학 공부
  8. 편의점에서 콜라와 칼피스 식사
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만족도: 8/10

  • 맛은 무난함
  • 양이 많음
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만족도: 10/10


  • 레몬 우유가 정말로 맛있었는데, 이상하게 유당불내증인 내가 먹어도 딱히 문제가 없었음, 신기함
  • 슈마이 맛있음
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스마일 호텔 우츠노미야 니시구치 에키노마에 조식
흐린 낮의 우츠노미야
흐린 낮의 우츠노미야
IT 패스포트, 고양이를 구매
탄탄멘 괜찮음

의식의 흐름

  1. 호텔 조식 뷔페
    레몬 우유가 너무 맛있었음
  2. 재류카드 주소를 등록하러 우츠노미야 시야쿠쇼(시청 같은 곳)에 감
    안내해주시는 어르신 분이 너무 친절하심, 우리나라도 이런 식으로 누군가(우리 부모님 등등)가 안내 같은 것을 하면 좋겠다고 생각함
  3. 일본 스마트폰 개통
    기존 폰에 Y-Mobile
    요도바시에서 개통한 탓인지 2만엔 포인트 받음
  4. 이제 살 집 / 통근할 루트를 보고옴
  5. IT Passport 책 구매 및 공부함
  6. 회사에 주민표 등 서류 보냄
  7. 전기(11일) / 가스(13일) 신청
  8. 저녁 컵라면
  9. 부모님께 가볍게 카카오톡 전화
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대한항공 기내식

의식의 흐름

  1. 외노자, 4월 8일부터 우츠노미야시에서 일하게 됨
  2. 막상 가려니까 가족들이 신경 쓰이고, 임포스터 신드롬으로 가기 싫어짐
  3. 하네다 공항에서 재류카드 받음
  4. 도쿄 → 우츠노미야
  5. 호텔 도착
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Hey there, my stars! 🌟 Today's blog is all about balance, family, and the little victories that make life sparkle. So grab a cup of your favorite drink, and let's dive into a day that was all about embracing the sweetness of life, both in moments and in treats!

A Day of Familiar Routines and New Challenges

My day echoed with the comforting rhythm of a schedule I once followed in a Philippines English Academy. There's something reassuring about slipping back into familiar routines, isn't there? It's like revisiting an old friend who knows just how to uplift your spirits.

Dancing with Diet and Delights

I took on the challenge of a low-carbohydrate diet today, aiming to tick off another day of healthy living. But oh, the universe had other plans! My house was a treasure trove of tempting treats, and I'll admit, I indulged a little. But here's to celebrating an 80% success rate - sometimes, it's okay to give in to life's little pleasures.

Deepening Family Connections

The highlight of my day? Talking more with my family. We shared laughs, stories, and a whole lot of love. There's nothing like deepening bonds with your loved ones to fill your heart with joy.

So, as I wrap up this day, I'm reminded of the beauty of balance - in diet, in routines, and in our relationships. It's about finding joy in the little things, embracing the occasional indulgence, and cherishing those around us. Here's to more days filled with such lovely imperfections! 💕

'World > Korea' 카테고리의 다른 글

🏙️Day +1: A Day of Family, Fulfillment, and Future Goals  (0) 2024.01.01
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Hello to all my lovely readers! 🌟 Today, I want to share with you the joy and excitement that filled my day. It was a day brimming with family, feasts, and forward-looking aspirations.

A Morning of Serenity and Spirituality

My day began with a heartwarming visit to a Buddhist temple with my family. There's something incredibly peaceful about starting the day surrounded by spirituality and loved ones. The serene environment, the gentle chants, and the calming atmosphere were a soothing balm to the soul, reminding us of the beauty and simplicity of life.

A Feast for the Senses

Post our temple visit, we treated ourselves to a lavish meal at a renowned buffet restaurant known for its scrumptious selection of meats. Each bite was a celebration of flavors and a testament to the joy of good food shared with family. It's these little moments of togetherness and indulgence that make life so wonderfully rich.

Setting Goals for a Brighter Tomorrow

Inspired by the day's positivity, I also took some time to reflect and set goals for the month ahead. I believe in challenging myself and striving for growth, both personally and professionally. So here are my goals for this month:

  1. Achieve AWS Solutions Architect - Associate Certification
  2. Reach a Healthier Body Weight of Under 83kg
  3. Earn $10 from My Own Work

As I look ahead, I'm filled with a sense of purpose and determination. Today was a reminder that life is a beautiful blend of peaceful moments, joyful gatherings, and the pursuit of our dreams. Let's embrace it all with open arms and a hopeful heart!

'World > Korea' 카테고리의 다른 글

🏙️Day +2: Embracing Balance and Family Bonds  (0) 2024.01.02
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