
CANoe에서 사용 가능한 UI에 대해서 시간을 들여서 좀 더 상세히 확인


1. System Variable제작

2. Input/Output Box를 드래그해서 제작 후, Property설정 후 System Variable 연결

3. 코드 제작 후 실행 확인


on start {
  // Initialize the CAN address when the program starts

on sysvar sysvar::Engine::_btnTransmit {
  // Buffer to store the CAN address (maximum 8 characters + null terminator)
  char canAddress[9];  
  // Check if the button is pressed
  if(@this == 1) {
    // Retrieve the current CAN address
    // Print the CAN address when the button is clicked
    write(":: Current CAN Address: %s", canAddress);

// This event triggers when the CAN address input field changes
on sysvar sysvar::Engine::_txtCANAddress {
  // Adjust the CAN address whenever it is modified

// Function to adjust the CAN address
void AdjustCANAddress() {
  // Buffer to hold the input CAN address (temporary storage)
  char buffer[128];  
  // Buffer to store a valid CAN address (max 8 characters + null terminator)
  char limit[9];  
  // Retrieve the current CAN address value from the system variable
  sysGetVariableString(sysvar::Engine::_txtCANAddress, buffer, elcount(buffer));
  // If the input field is empty, set a default CAN address
  if(strlen(buffer) <= 0) {
    sysSetVariableString(sysvar::Engine::_txtCANAddress, "18DA01F1");
  // If the input exceeds 8 characters, truncate it to 8 characters
  else if(strlen(buffer) > 8) {
    // Copy only the first 8 characters
    mbstrncpy(limit, buffer, 8);
    // Update the system variable with the trimmed address
    sysSetVariableString(sysvar::Engine::_txtCANAddress, limit);  

// Function to retrieve the adjusted CAN address
void GetCANAddress(char buffer[]) {
  AdjustCANAddress();  // Ensure the CAN address is properly formatted
  // Retrieve the adjusted CAN address from the system variable
  sysGetVariableString(sysvar::Engine::_txtCANAddress, buffer, elcount(buffer));
  // Ensure the string is properly null-terminated
  buffer[strlen(buffer)] = '\\0';

'Programming > CANoe' 카테고리의 다른 글

CANoe UI 만들기: 버튼  (0) 2025.03.10
CANoe 함수: mbstrncpy  (0) 2025.03.10
CANoe 함수: strlen  (0) 2025.03.10
CANoe 함수: sysSetVariableString  (0) 2025.03.10
CANoe 함수: sysGetVariableString  (0) 2025.03.02
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