주거지에 대해 이야기해주세요. 집은 어떻게 생겼는지, 어디에 위치해 있는지 설명해주세요. 이웃에 대해 좋아하는 점과 싫어하는 점을 말해주세요. 처음 이웃을 만난 경험을 자세히 말해주세요.
I currently reside in an apartment in Yeongdeungpo, Seoul. The apartment, although a bit old, has a quaint charm and provides all the necessary comforts. It consists of two rooms, one of which I occupy.
When it comes to my neighbors, I've never really formed an opinion about them, primarily because we don't cross paths often. My initial encounter with my neighbors was rather uneventful. We happened to see each other but didn't exchange greetings, probably because we were both strangers to each other. There was this inherent distance which I believe is quite typical when you are new to a place.
Over time, as my mother befriended the neighbors, the dynamics slowly started to change. We began to acknowledge each other, a simple nod, a polite smile, or a brief 'hello'. It's a small change, but I think it added a sense of community to our apartment complex.
Overall, my relationship with my neighbors is quite neutral. We respect each other's space and privacy. I believe maintaining this balance is crucial for peaceful coexistence in an apartment setup.
Reside(리zㅏ이드): 살다, 거주하다.
Quaint(쿠웨인트): 진기한
Formed an opinion about them: 그들에 대한 의견을 내다.
Primarily(프라이멀럴리): 주로
Rather uneventful: 다소 평범한
Inherent(인헤렌트): 고유한
Dynamics(다이나믹스): 역학 관계, 관계
Acknowledge(엨놀러지): 인정하다.
Brief(브리프): 짤막한
Crucial(크루셜): 결정적인, 중대한
Coexistence(코잌시턴스): 공존
'English' 카테고리의 다른 글
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