




using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class App : MonoBehaviour
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    Queue<GameObject> targets;
    GameObject beforeTarget;
    GameObject chestClosed;
    GameObject chestOpened;
    GameObject lastTarget;
    void Start()
        // :: Load Targets with name
        targets = new Queue<GameObject>();
        for(int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
            targets.Enqueue(GameObject.Find("Target" + i));

            if(i == 3)
                lastTarget = GameObject.Find("Target" + i);

        // :: Initialise Chest
        GameObject chestPrefabA = Resources.Load<GameObject>("chest_close");
        GameObject chectPrefabB = Resources.Load<GameObject>("chest_open");

        // :: Render Chest Closed and Set Position
        chestClosed = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(chestPrefabA);
        chestClosed.transform.position = lastTarget.transform.position + new Vector3(0, 0f, 0.5f);
        chestClosed.transform.eulerAngles = new Vector3(-90, -90, 0);

        // :: Render Chest Open and Set Position and Set Active false;
        chestOpened = Object.Instantiate<GameObject>(chectPrefabB);
        chestOpened.transform.position = chestClosed.transform.position;
        chestOpened.transform.eulerAngles = chestClosed.transform.eulerAngles;

        // :: Initialise beforeTarget
        beforeTarget = new GameObject();

        // :: Button Load and Attach OnClick Function : Create
        Button BUTTON_create = GameObject.Find("Button_Create").GetComponent<Button>();
        BUTTON_create.onClick.AddListener(() => OnClick());

        // :: Button Load and Attach OnClick Function : GoAndTurn
        Button BUTTON_goAndTurn = GameObject.Find("Button_GoAndTurn").GetComponent<Button>();
        BUTTON_goAndTurn.onClick.AddListener(() => { RunToTarget(); });

    // :: Run to Target
    void RunToTarget(float speed = 0.5f)
        // :: If you have remain targets
        if(targets.Count > 0)
            // :: Go Target
            beforeTarget = targets.Peek();
            unit.GetComponent<Unit>().RunToTarget(targets.Dequeue(), speed);
    // :: Go Target
    void WalkToTarget(float speed = 0.5f)
        // :: If you have remain targets
        if (targets.Count > 0)
            // :: Go Target
            beforeTarget = targets.Peek();
            unit.GetComponent<Unit>().WalkToTarget(targets.Dequeue(), speed);

    // :: Go Complete
    void GoComplete()
        // :: Target Remains
        if(targets.Count > 0)
            // :: When arrived target1
            if (targets.Peek().name.Contains("2"))
                // :: Look at target forward
                // :: Walk To Target
        } else
            Debug.Log("You've got treasure!");

    // :: Wait Complete
    void WaitComplete()
        Debug.Log("wait is Over!");

        // :: Walk To Target

    // :: OnClick Function
    // ::: for Variables
    GameObject unit; // :: Unit
    void OnClick()
        // :: Unit Resources Load & Instantiate
        unit = Instantiate<GameObject>(Resources.Load<GameObject>("ch_03_01"));
        unit.AddComponent<Unit>().goComplete = () => { GoComplete(); };
        unit.GetComponent<Unit>().waitComplete = () => { WaitComplete(); };
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class Unit : MonoBehaviour
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()


    // :: Look at direction of Target
    public void LookTarget(Vector3 direction)

    // :: Go and Turn with Target
    // ::: for Variables

    // :: Run To Target Function
    // ::: for Variables
    bool isGo = false;
    string animationName_Run = "run@loop";
    string animationName_Idle = "idle@loop";
    GameObject target; // ::: target
    float speed = 0.5f; // ::: Move Speed
    public void RunToTarget(GameObject target, float speed = 0.5f)
        // :: Remember Target
        this.target = target;

        // :: Remember Speed
        this.speed = speed;

        // :: Look at Target

        // :: Animation Run

        // :: Start Update
        isGo = true;

    // :: Walk To Target Function
    string animationName_Walk = "walk@loop";
    public void WalkToTarget(GameObject target, float speed = 0.05f)
        // :: Remember Target
        this.target = target;

        // :: Remember Speed
        this.speed = speed;

        // :: Look at Target

        // :: Animation Run

        // :: Start Update
        isGo = true;

    // :: Wait Function
    float waitTime;
    bool isWait = false;
    float elapsedTime = 0f;
    public CheckComplete waitComplete = () => { };
    public void WaitNow(float waitTime = 3f)
        // :: Remember Wait Time
        this.waitTime = waitTime;

        // :: Start Update
        isWait = true;

    // Update is called once per frame
    // ::: for Variables
    public delegate void CheckComplete();
    public CheckComplete goComplete = () => { };
    void Update()
        // :: Start Go
            // :: Go Toward
            this.gameObject.transform.position = Vector3.MoveTowards(this.gameObject.transform.position, this.target.transform.position, speed * Time.deltaTime);

            // :: Check Distance
            float distance = Vector3.Distance(this.gameObject.transform.position, this.target.transform.position);

            // :: When near the Cube
            if(distance <= 0.2f)
                // :: Stop Go
                isGo = false;

                // :: Change Animation

                // :: Send Move Complete
        // :: Start Wait
        else if(isWait)
            // :: Check Elapsed Time
            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;

            // :: When Wait is Over
            if(elapsedTime >= waitTime)
                // :: Stop Wait
                isWait = false;

                // :: Send Wait Complete
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